Document Direct gains B Corp status - Document Direct

Document Direct gains B Corp status

Document Direct becomes the first specialist legal sector supplier to gain B Corp status

Document Direct, the UK and Ireland’s leading supplier of typing and transcriptions services to the legal sector have joined the growing ranks of B Corp certified businesses.

B Corp status is becoming globally recognised as a formal validation of the commitment that business makes in the area of environmental, social and governance (ESG), and their responsibility to a wider group of stakeholders associated with their business.

There are around 5,000 businesses with this status across over 80 countries, with 1,000 being based in the UK, and a small but growing number of law firms, such as Shakespeare Martineau, Stephen Scown and Brabners amongst them.

CEO and founder of Document Direct, Martyn Best, described the tough certification process, and the business motive for this prestigious framework, “We initially answered over 200 questions across every element of our business and stakeholder engagement, and our approach and commitment to ESG factors. Then a six-month in-depth assessment by B Lab followed, with final validation happening this month.

“The certification is a formal and independent confirmation of our commitment to conducting business in the right way. Being “good” in all those areas of concern isn’t just good enough; it has to be backed up across the whole organisation, and I’m really proud that everyone associated with Document Direct have played their part in this recognition.”

Whilst there are now almost 20 UK law firms who have attained B Corp Certification, Best believes that Document Direct are the first major supplier to the legal sector to do so.


Document Direct supports over 600 legal and other professional services firms and health sector organisations across the UK, Ireland and other English-speaking areas of the globe.

They provide typing, transcription, e-bundling and digital dictations services, to enable clients to become more efficient and offer their own stakeholders and clients a higher level of service.

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